PODGORICAMontVet, PodgoricaMost recommended pet clinic in MontenegroMore information about the clinic (services, contacts, schedule) is in our long list of vet clinics in Montenegro.
Doctors (please note that the contacts provided below are not for emergency calls):Vladislav Bochkarev, DVM, PhD in Veterinary Medicine, surgeon, neurologist, orthopaedist, traumatologist.
You can schedule your appointment online or offline to get consultation on the following:
- Musculoskeletal problems: limping, pains, ligament traumas, fractures of any nature, congenital pathologies, dysplasia etc.;
- Neurological problems: epilepsy, brain and spinal neoplastic diseases, compression fractures and traumas);
- General surgery: from sterilization/ neutering to complex abdominal surgery including neoplastic surgery.
Contacts: Telegram
https://t.me/JustlVet or +79118206707 (Messengers only! Phone calls will not be answered).
Please, be patient as the doctor will answer when he can! This line is not for emergency calls! Olga Smirnova, DVM, general veterinarian, professional experience since 2010.
You can schedule your appointment online or offline with any general problems including preventive check-ups, tests and diagnostics, vaccination, treatments and follow-up, intensive therapy.
Contacts: Telegram
https://t.me/PeIIagra or +79219255897 (Messenger only! Phone calls will not be answered), also https://smirnova.vet/.
Please, be patient as the doctor will answer when she can! This line is not for emergency calls! Aleksandra Golovataya, DVM, ultrasound examination expert,
professional experience since 2012.
The doctor specialises in:
- Complex ultrasound examination (heart, abdominal, cruciform [crucial] ligaments of large pets etc.);
- Cytological tests under ultrasound control for future study such as centesis/ aspirations / punctures.
You can schedule your appointment by clinic phone number or by +79118206707
(Telegram only, please! Phone calls will not be answered)
BUDVA Vet MedicaMore information about the clinic (services, contacts, schedule) is in our long list of vet clinics in Montenegro.
Blagoja Daskalovski, DVM – your surgeon and therapist of choice in Budva
Ognen Zdravković, DVM – therapist with plenty of positive reviews in Budva
Appointments: +382 69 144 804
KOTORVet Port More information about the clinic (services, contacts, schedule) is in our long list of vet clinics in Montenegro.
Relja Ćetković, DVM - this doctor is well skilled in cats neutering/sterilization. He is the partner veterinarian of Kotor Kitties non-commercial foundation.
Appointments: +382 69 250 781
HERZEG NOVIVet Medic More information about the clinic (services, contacts, schedule) is in our long list of vet clinics in Montenegro.
Boško Medić, DVM - this doctor is well skilled in cats neutering/sterilization.
Appointments: +382 69 041 097
Novi Vet More information about the clinic (services, contacts, schedule) is in our long list of vet clinics in Montenegro.
Božo Perišić, DVM - this doctor is well skilled in cats neutering/sterilization. He is the partner veterinarian of Kotor Kitties non-commercial foundation.
Appointments: +382 31 337 144, +382 69 633 339
NIKSICV.A. Gorašević More information about the clinic (services, contacts, schedule) is in our long list of vet clinics in Montenegro.
Nebojsa Gorašević, DVM - this doctor is well skilled in cats neutering/sterilization. He is the partner veterinarian of Kotor Kitties non-commercial foundation.
Appointments: +382 69 211 211