We are an unofficial community of people who care about stray animals in Montenegro.

We'll be happy to see you in our chat on Telegram https://t.me/cg_stray (writing in English is fine!)

First, let us give you a little bit of context in which we are operating and answer the question:

WHY ARE WE DOING THIS? (sorry for CapsLock) aka what's the situation with stray animals is like in Montenegro.
A bit below you will find information about us and a list of things
we can do for you.

On the streets of pretty much any city of Montenegro you will meet plenty of sweet and gentle stray animals.
They are often undernourished, suffering from infections, hurting and abused.
Some of them are victims of careless owners who let a pet walk in the street on its own, do not bother to treat an animal if it gets sick and disregard spaying and neutering of their pets.

Street gang in Obala, Budva would love to be adopted and become a home gang instead

Often little blind kittens or tiny puppies can be found in a plastic box at the garbage bin - that's how some local pet owners get rid of an unwanted litter.

There are no state-funded animal care programs in Montenegro or volunteer organisations.
There is a law on the animals rights but it is not followed in practice even when there is a clear evidence of abuse and mistreatment.

There are no cat shelters in the country, only a few state/municipal dog shelters, they are called azil in Montenegrin. If no home is found for an azil adult dog within a month (and it's quite a short time here!), they have a right to put the animal down. Small puppies can be put down upon delivery to the shelter if they are considered ill. Also, little animals face the danger of various infections in azil, thus their chances for survival are actually hire when they are on the street.
There are a few good private shelters in the country but they are often lacking place for new arrivals.

It is just one of so many street puppies in Bar facing dangers of the street.
Unfortunately, a couple of days after this photo was taken, the little one was hit by a car and did not survive.
This picture for a reason here - may this sweet little thing remain somewhere, playful and cheeky.

Most stray animals will never find a loving home.
But together we want to do our best and to make their life better and easier.


Please note that we are neither a government organisation, nor a shelter.
We don't get any funding, we don't have any budget.
All volunteers within the CG Stray community are acting out of their own material, physical and time resources.
Whether we treat, spay or search home for stray animals, we are often short of help. Homeless kitties and dogs always outnumber those who are willing to save them. Therefore, we are happy to help those who are willing to help animals!

What we can do for you:

provide you with information.

Our information sources, this website and the Telegram chat, were created to find likeminded people and help them to help stray animals. On this website we have some articles which will hopefully give you all you need to know about helping stray animals in Montenegro.

connect you with peers whom you can ask for help.

We'll be happy to see you in our chat on Telegram https://t.me/cg_stray where you can discuss spaying matters, find some volunteer transport to the clinic, offer pet goods and search for a foster family for a stray animal. The chat is Russian-speaking, generally, but writing there in English is fine!

boost your search for a foster family or a permanent home for a stray animal.

Once a month we share a digest with adoption posts from our chat to the fellow groups and it works!

participate in a monthly Reciklažica recyclables collection.

All donated pet items we collect there are announced in this topic of our Telegram chat and available to anyone.

your money collection posts for a vet surgery, pet food or paid foster care are welcome in this topic of our Telegram chat. Just make sure they are done according to the rules and with all the receipts, we are very strict on it.

Let's help stray animals in Montenegro together!

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