I found small kittens on the street in Montenegro - what to do?

Montenegro has an absolutely breathtaking nature (this is a fact).
It’s quite common among locals to avoid sterilization of their domestic cat, let her walk outside freely and then dispose of the litter when her kittens are born (this is also a fact).
Fuzzy palm-size kitties can be found in a plastic bag or a box in the street when you are casually strolling from the beach and when you least expect it.
We understand far too well that you may be absolutely unprepared to take a kitten home, but for a start, even a box or a pet carrier may be enough for a little animal while you are looking for a home for them.

There is no state-funded animal welfare service here in Montenegro, or a cat shelter that you can call to get kittens picked up. Sad reality is, if you found stray kittens and would like to help them - you will need to be involved in the rescuing operations as much as possible:
- make them warm,
- feed them according to their age or find a nursing cat,
- and do your best to get them a foster family or a permanent home.
Unfortunately, newborn kittens in a box just beside a rubbish bin are often found in Montenegro.

1️. First things first, determine the kitten’s age.

Kittens grow day by day, developing new skills and changing their appearance:
Under 1 week - their eyes are shut, their ears are folded down, their claws are non-retractable, and they can’t yet walk. The umbilical cord might still be visible.
1-2 weeks - eyes start to open and focus (all kittens are born with blue eyes), ears begin to unfold, the claws are still non-retractable, kittens start to crawl, snuggle, and knead.
2-3 weeks - eyes and ears are fully open. Kittens can stand up and take first wobbly steps, they’ll react to noises.
3 weeks - baby teeth start appearing.
4 weeks - kittens’ pupils can focus, their canine teeth (fangs) are appearing. At this age kittens can already play with their mates!
5 weeks - kittens interact with humans and other kittens, and can groom themselves after a meal.
6-8 weeks - kitten’s baby blue eyes change color into a permanent one as their true pigment comes through.

If you appreciate some visual guide, here is a great YouTube video and a picture, both by Kitten Lady.

❗️ There is a reason why we give no information about weight in this article. Stray kittens are often undernourished, so their weight is not an accurate tell-tale sign as to how old they are.
2️. Once the age is defined, make sure that kittens are warm.

Important: first take care of the temperature and only then feed your little cat.
Kittens at 4-5 weeks are unable to control their body temperature properly, and in the absence of their mama around you can put a plastic bottle full of warm water next to a kitten. Wrap a towel around the bottle to keep it safe for the kitten - you don’t want your little friend to get cold but equally you won’t want them to get any burns. A bottle is to be changed every 3-4 hours.

3️. Food
There are two options to nurture the kittens - bottle-feed them, or find a nursing cat for them.

Nursing cat
However the option of finding a nursing mama sounds great, there is a risk: a cat with young babies can reject the alien kittens, or kill the babies (alien or her own) if they are smaller than the other kittens near her. Therefore, watch the cat for a bit to make sure she accepts the kittens.
To find a nursing cat, you can write a post in the groups here:

Please note that small kittens should NOT have cow milk - it provokes diarrhea and they can die from severe dehydration.

To feed a small kitten, you can use one of these:
- lactose-free human baby formula 0+,
- milk replacer for kittens, can be bought at your local pet shop,
- goat milk - normally available at Voli and HDL supermarkets.
If you have none of these at home at the time when you found kittens - it's fine, you can give them warm water and then go kitten food shopping.
Please note that no matter whether you use a formula or goat milk, it should be warm and fresh for each feeding session.

Cat milk replacer
Goat milk
Small pacifiers and feeding bottles are normally available at pet shops, or at “Cosmetics”. Alternatively, a syringe without a needle will also do.

The feeding schedule depends on the age of the kitten:
• under 1 week old - 2-5 ml every 2-3 hours
• 2 weeks - 5-7,5 ml every 3 hours
• 3 weeks - 10-15 ml every 4 hours
• 4 weeks - 10-15 ml every 4-5 hours
• 5-6 weeks - ~15 ml every 4 hours.

If your kitten refuses to eat according to “the norm”, don’t panic and try to feed them a bit more in an hour or so.
The correct position of a kitten when you feed it is very important!
As it is lying on the belly with its paws down, raise the head a bit and put the feeding bottle in the mouth.
This position repeats the one that the kitten has when mama feeds it.
One of our volunteers bottle-feeds a cat that was found in a plastic bag
4️. Bathroom

Kittens normally start using a litter box at around 4 weeks.
When they are 3-4 weeks old, you can introduce them to a litter box, but they may not get it immediately what’s expected from them.

Younger kittens can’t go to the bathroom all by themselves - their mother cat normally helps them straight after feeding, stimulating the bowel movements by licking the kitten’s tummy.
To imitate the licking movements of a mother cat, you can use a cotton pad: make it wet with warm water and massage the kitten’s belly and genitals clockwise and from top to bottom. Once the pad becomes yellow or a little bit of poop appears on it, you can consider it a success.
It is absolutely crucial to help young kittens go to the bathroom!

5. Hygiene

It is not recommended to bathe kittens under 2 weeks as they can get cold.
If they get dirty you can remove the dirt locally using a wet cotton pad and then remove the moisture with a dry cotton pad.
If you notice fleas on your kitten, there are sprays with a low dose of Fypronyl that can be used from 2 days of age, for example Effipro, Fypryst, Fiprotec, Frontline Spray - check them out at your local pet shops.

Here is a list of groups and chats to share a pet adoption post in Montenegro.
Also, we prepared a list of questions for a future pet owner to help you check that their intentions are good.

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