Stage 1.
Initial vaccination is performed at the age of 12 weeks. A comprehensive vaccine is given that includes:
• feline panleukopenia virus
• Feline rhinotracheitis virus (herpesvirus)
• Calicivirus
Four-component vaccines (+chlamydiosis) also exist, but according to our data, they are not available in Montenegro.
Stage 2.
3-4 weeks later, revaccination with a comprehensive vaccine is performed, as well as vaccination against rabies.
Stage 3.
Further vaccination (comprehensive vaccination and rabies vaccination) is given annually at the same time (on the date of the second stage vaccinations), or slightly earlier.
Stage 1.
Initial vaccination is performed at the age of 2 months. A comprehensive vaccine is given that includes:
• Canine distemper virus
• Canine viral hepatitis
• Parvovirus enteritis
• Canine parainfluenza virus
• Leptospirosis
In theory, there is a vaccine against leishmaniasis, but it is impossible to find it in Montenegro, so it is easier to use regular parasite treatment that includes protection against leishmaniasis.
Stage 2.
3 weeks after the first stage, revaccination with a comprehensive vaccine is performed.
Stage 3.
From the age of three months, the puppy needs to be vaccinated against rabies.
Stage 4.
Further vaccination (comprehensive vaccination and rabies vaccination) is given annually at the same time (on the date of the second stage vaccinations), or slightly earlier.
🔻If the vaccination included rabies, the animal must be quarantined for 21 days, if not - for 14 days. During this period, the immunity is being formed, and it will be difficult for the organism to withstand environmental influences, so it is necessary to provide the animal with rest and monitor its well-being. After the annual routine vaccination, it is not necessary to observe quarantine.